Sunday 27 December 2015

Hello again,
Do any of you have some blogs you recommended i can read or do you have a blog yourself because i would love to like, comment and follow your blogs just leave a comment down below if you do, Thankyouu x

Blogger Girl xx
So maybe you already guessed by my background but i like Swimming!Comment your hobby don't be shy! xx 

Blogger Girl xx
Have any of you read Girl Online by Zoella?If you haven't i recommended reading it and trust me i never read but with this book i did!So if your not a big reader give this book a try because you might like it like me xx 

Blogger Girl x
So its the day after Boxing day so Christmas has come to an end and we only have a week left of the Christmas break before School starts again.....

I cannot believe its almost 2016, do you have any new year resolutions?I'm going to try to eat healthy and exercise, i wonder how long i'll last...!

Blogger Girl xx

Saturday 26 December 2015

I would like a nice name for this blog so if you have any great ideas please leave a comment down below, Thanks xx

Blogger Girl xx

Hey!I would love to talk about your chosen subjects so please comment,follow and like, Thankyouu!! xx

Blogger Girl xx
Its boxing day!
Sorry didn't post yesterday but it was Christmas!How was yours? Mine was great i got the phone i wanted and Christmas dinner tasted good and then we had a buffet in the evening... Yum!! I can't believe its already over and its so close to 2016.... xx

Blogger Girl xx